OldManGame will have more autograph mystery packs available again soon. Below is the link for them on ebay. www.ebay.com/itm/126827593739?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=vn-Ye4wBTiC&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=vn-Ye4wBTiC&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
OldManGame will have more autograph mystery packs available again soon. Below is the link for them on ebay.
Nick,, sure is a character!!!🤭😇😆 He is an awesome guy!! As we speak. Nick is streaming on his channel with a game! Lol!!
Thank you for sharing Steve!
He’s the best, gotta love him!
Now these are the mystery packs that everyone always wanted, but we so rarely got. Some excellent OMG goodness!
Nice mail day! Cool autos! Have a great week ahead!👍✌️
You too!
very cool man
Thanks !!! These packs are a great deal. I recommend them highly for the price
Great video
Thanks buddy
Great video ❤️
Thanks!! I appreciate you checking out the video
Alien powered mail.
Delivered by Mystery Drone
the meta zoo never made it. i remember rico fata lol. a lot of cat cards.that cig card is old.
The artwork they use on the cards is really bad
Old man GOOSE!
Its a revelation
Cool BEP
BEP ? What is that ?
Goose-Cats, Wade-Elks, Topanga, and strange mail services no one has heard of. Intriguing...
Yeah a real mixed bag lol 😆
Great autographs and cards from OMG! Lots of weird stuff too!🏒⚾
Thanks man, OMG is the best!
Cat named Goose pack. I don't think that Salamender is dead. You can XRay entire living animals.
Oh lol that makes sense!!! I'm happy the salamander is alive !!!!
tony black sent me something using apple not that long ago, great cards
Temporarily sold out. Haha 😂
Yeah I should have said that... #oopsy
Goose the cat 🐈 in Marvel Movies. WTF noob.
Never heard of it bro lol